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Drupal CMS 1.0 was released on January 15th 2025 as scheduled, just eight months after the idea was first announced! The release is a milestone achievement by the Drupal community. What are the installation options and how do you install on a custom web-root like cPanel's public_html?
Drupal CMS, which was initially called Drupal Starshot, is set to expand the Drupal landscape and change the Drupal game in a major way. Drupal CMS will put the enterprise-grade power of Drupal in the hands of non-technical users without prior Drupal knowledge. It is revolutionary.
Drupal 10 is coming out next month December 14. Drupal 9's biggest dependency is Symfony 4. Symfony 4 will be end-of-life in November 21, 2023 so Drupal has no choice but to do something about it. And that's to make Drupal 10. Loads of new kick-ass features are coming with Drupal 10.
If you install a Drupal module that requires an external JavaScript library, you are more or less left on your own how to get the library into your project. If you manage your site with Composer, manually downloading and extracting packages is one of the things you wanted to avoid. Learn how Asset Packagist helps you to avoid it.
One of Nigeria's top film training institutes and media services companies, Magnus Film Academy whom we built and managed their Drupal 7 website wanted to upgrade their website and we stepped in and took care of it. We just finished the work of upgrading the site to Drupal 9.
Drupal 8 reached its end-of-life on November 2, 2021. We started upgrading our Drupal 8 sites in October 2021 and by the end of November all our Drupal 8 sites were upgraded to Drupal 9. It did not feel like we were moving in between major versions, we didn't have to rebuild the sites or any of such. We experienced the new Drupal easy upgrades and we love it!
We updated all our D8 and D9 sites to use Composer 2. Composer 2.0 was released on 24 October, 2020. It is so much faster and uses far less memory. It's a big relief to remove Composer wait time from our development process not to talk of making sure there is enough high memory for Composer on our machines.
We just upgraded one of our Drupal 7 websites to Drupal 8 in our first major version migration experience. It was a friendly and seamless experience. We did not need any extra tool other than the migration tools in Drupal core. We migrated the content with the tools, created a new Drupal 8 theme, recreated the views (views are not migrated) and that was it!
With Drupal adopting the use of Composer to manage code as from Drupal 8 upwards, this has also affected the installation of Drush. Now all you need is to run a single Composer command to install it. Composer installs Drush inside the 'vendor' directory and makes it available at vendor/bin/drush, but you want to use the traditional drush command and not vendor/bin/drush. What are ways you can achieve this? Check in and get the info.
As from version 8, Drupal recommends using Composer to manage dependencies. This has thrown off users who are not comfortable working in the command line. But using Composer to manage packages in Drupal is not explicitly required, it is only a recommendation. You can still manage Drupal version 8 and upwards just the way you managed version 7 being downloading and installing from tarball or installing with Softaculous - these methods are still valid with Drupal. But what if you started manually and now you want to switch over to Composer? Hop on the link and get the info on this.
Drupal 9 was released on June 3, 2020 as scheduled. This is the first major version release of Drupal that 'the big deal about it, is that it is not a big deal' because of the easy version 8 to 9 upgrade. 8 to 9 is the easiest Drupal upgrade in a decade and there is a commitment to easy upgrades going forward so Drupal will not replatform again. Get in and get the info.
If you need to take your training and learning activities online, I recommend you try Opigno. The solution is flexible so it will fit if you are a school, a company, a non profit, a vocational school, a university or higher institution, or an individual. And it does not matter the size of your students and learners. Opigno is a robust open source learning management system (LMS) based on Drupal. Hop in and get the info.